The Appalling Truth.



    This world is a place of hypocrites and broken hearts.      

  Don’t we all lie? Yes, obviously we do. We all lie. Some of us are worse liars ever (you can insert the particular zodiac signs). We all fall in love but that does not mean everybody falls for a human (no homo though). Not always physical attraction is involved. Some people  (or hipsters like me) fall madly in love with their cat. Many of us are narcissists. Some of us worship money. (By the way boys do not like materialist girls) (boys are biggest hypocrites). Sensible people are in love with their job or a poet with his verses. A player with his game (they usually like playing with hearts). I am writing etc.

  The fact, that we all are hypocrites, is a tragedy. Why do we need to hide our jet black heart and put up a face off an angel? Is it money that tempts us? Is it fame? Or love? Or status? Or jealousy? A collection of all this; survival in a cruel, unforgiving world makes me a hypocrite.

  So, this guy (cannot unveil his name) far from sensible and is on the verge of decay was stranded by his one and only friend who also happened to be his lover. Why did their beautiful love story came to end? Why would a childhood sweetheart leave you? How on earth did they drift apart? Why did they break a perfect home because of lies and rainy seasons? Sad, sad people. The demons inside him made him believe things he never imagined. Slowly falling deeper into misery and hopelessness. Unhappiness reigned their lovely home. She left him. She left him because she could not deal with a sick man. She could not deal with his fears. So, she turned his hopes into dust and left him. She broke his heart. What is heartbreak? Heartbreak is like cigarette smoke. Initially, it hurts. You choke. Tears glisten in your eyes. But then you get used to the pain. And so he did, after a while.

  His friends judged him for being weak, for accepting the demons inside his head. For not being enough for his lover. But the judges are no better. They have their weakness. They wear masks. They hide it. Every single thing. The difference is that he didn’t have a mask and he couldn’t cover the wretched face.

  Time passed and she after stranding her lover let the aftermath of love take over her. She walks with confidence and gives advise. She has made people think like they know everything about her. They take in her sophisticated aura hungrily. But what’s inside her, they don’t know nor she will ever reveal. Inside her their is regret and she smokes in her lonely house, feeding her pain. Why does she miss it? Or maybe him? Why couldn’t she help him? Why wasn’t she by his side. She’s a hypocrite. Pretending to be everything he ever wanted but ran away from the problems into a big city. So she will smoke and judge others. Criticize them. Hurt them with her sharp words but inside her jet black heart crumbles.

  Everywhere we go we find sad people and their sad stories. Some people break their hearts to become somehow socially acceptable but during the process they convince themselves to avenge. Avenge others who probably are innocent. They avenge by breaking hearts. They become hypocrites pretending to be perfect to fulfill their evil intentions but inside they yearn for someone who will love them.

  Despite being heartbroken and judgemental hypocrites we yearn for love. Heartbreakers or heartbroken both are hypocrites. All hypocrites have a broken hearts. We all have jet black hearts. We make awful mistakes. We ruin ourselves to impress others. We destroy others to avenge. Where do these hurricanes come from? Where is the happiness that fictions talk about? Where is peace? Where is loyalty?

  People make nations and these nations are hypocrites breaking the hearts of other nations. The heartbroken nations are hypocrites because they pretend to be great but they keep drowning in misery and waste time. Pretending to work but actually living in their wonderland. Running away from reality. Heartbroken yet hypocrites.


Facebook Dumbasses

I am quite perplexed to be honest and well to some people around me, it might not be so complicated. Some of you may laugh it off and others would definitely roll their eyes at me. I am trying not to exxagerate as well as preventing myself for complaining.

Let me come to the exact point of my dilemma. So, here is the brief description. Social media is our need; for a simple pass time, a hobby, for running a blog, to laugh at people, maybe judge others, put a mask, be an imposter, flirt shamelessly, fall in love(truly, madly and deeply) or to just enjoy the perks of being famous. Social media is our necessity.

Last week, I joined this certain poetry group. Oh boy! A very strange experience if you ask me. I shall not or am not making fun or insulting anybody but to be honest people do not know what exactly poetry is! I was at sixes and sevens after reading some posts. I should have laughed or maybe cried or screamed or could have stabbed myself in the eye.

The point is, that I joined this certain poetry group and posted a poem. Many of the group members commented below. I sat there on the sofa, my eyes glued upon the screen (my mother would have scolded me). I kept waiting for constructive comments; thoughts, ideas, opinion, criticism, anything! All I got was facebook users talking to each other, thanking one another for random reasons, appreciating profile pictures, flirting ( I think there were marriage proposals as well), abusing and questioning the entire existence of sensibility and judgement. A random guy asked me a question out of the blue that what was the appropriate age for marriage. I did answer him. And the answer is entire another debate and I am not up for crap right now. Yet again, should I laugh or cry? They did not even mention the poem for once ! Liking the post isn’t enough.

I am not saying that every human should turn into Ghalib and Keats overnight. My question is that why on earth do you join a poetry group when you don’t even have the taste or talent?!

Long story short, we all need to get a life and use our brain.